Having a terrific Tuesday!
#LBW Media Interns

1R and 5B are spreading kindness throughout our school! They are creating positive messages to put above the coat hooks for EVERY student!

Working on the letter L
#LBW Media Interns

We loved our groovy book fair this week!!
#LBW Media Interns

Please please please come stop and look through the lost and found tonight! 142 hats, 95+ sweaters, and more gloves than I can count!!
Please feel free to walk up in and around and anything that looks slightly familiar please take!! (It's probably your childs!)

Thank you to everyone who attended the donuts with grown-ups at the LBW book fair!
#LBW Media Interns

The GROOVY Book Fair is still happening!!!!!! Stop in and shop today! This will be the last in school shopping day but you can shop on line until the 23rd of February.
Teachers also have wishlists posted in the library, consider purchasing the gift of a book for one of our classrooms!

We had a great Valentines Day!

We are excited to meet our future Leaders Blooming Within! If you know of a child ready to enter kindergarten next fall, please fill out this form.

Join us for Donuts for Grown-ups. Visit the book fair and enjoy a donut with your LBW Student.
We have offered up 2 days for this opportunity in light of our big crowd in the fall.

Thinking back to warmer times…
*LBW Media Interns

Last week we celebrated our hundredth day of school!
*LBW Media Interns

Parents check out the e wallet option for helping your kids buy books at the book fair. It is super easy to set up. We had several families set up account so that Grandparents could give the gift of money for their student to purchase books at the bookfair. A bonus, if the money is not all spent it will stay in their account for the next book fair.
Here is the link to our book fair homepage: https://www.scholastic.com/bf/lbw

Students got to see and play a string bass while learning about instruments of the orchestra!
*LBW Media Interns

Gate working with microchips
* LBW Media Interns

Fifth grade learning a new dance for their concert!
*LBW Media Interns

The Book Fair is coming!!!!
February 13th-16th

There was an old lady who swallowed a fly.
*LBW Media Interns

LBW February newsletter