Concert time!!! Our 3rd and 4th grade concert is tomorrow, Tuesday November 8th at the Mitchell Performing Arts Center! Students should arrive 15 minutes before the concert please. See flier for times.
over 2 years ago, Kim Bruguier
concert flier
Please don't forget to bring your donations to school tomorrow for the carnival. Thanks for your help.
over 2 years ago, Dina Vanderwilt
Donation list
Here is the November newsletter!
over 2 years ago, Kim Bruguier
Here is a direct link to sign up for the carnival!!
over 2 years ago, Kim Bruguier
WE NEED YOU! Can you help at our LBW Carnival? We have three different shift times available to help overall. When: November 5, 2022 Time: 11-1pm Where: LBW Elementary School Please sign up here! Scan Code below! Thank you!
over 2 years ago, Kim Bruguier
LBW code
A Big Thank you to everyone for making our Book Fair a tremendous success. We had a great turnout for our first Grandparents Day and for parent teacher conference night. We are looking forward to all of the new books that will be added to our library.
over 2 years ago, Kim Bruguier
thank you
We have waited a long time for this day! How exciting to have author Matthew Swanson and illustrator Robbi Behr at our school! We are their only stop in South Dakota!! Thank you for a memorable day!
over 2 years ago, Kim Bruguier
bus load of books!
bus load of books!
bus load of books!
bus load of books!
We had an incredible turn out at Grandparents day at the bookfair! Thank you so much to everyone that came out to support our young readers!
over 2 years ago, Kim Bruguier
Grandparent day at the bookfair!
Grantparent day at the bookfair
Grantparent day at the bookfair
Grantparent day at the bookfair
LBW Books Fair is Open! Today is Grandparents Day for the Book Fair. 7:30am-8:30am (If grandparents are not available students are welcome to bring another special adult with them.) Here are other times you can shop too: Wednesday- 3:15-4:00 Thursday- 7:30-8:30 & 3:15pm-8:00pm Friday- 7:30am - 10:30am You can shop on-line until Sunday Oct 22nd Come join in on the fun!
over 2 years ago, Dina Vanderwilt
The Book Fair is Open!! Hours: Tuesday-7:30-8:30 & 3:15-4:00 Wednesday-7:30-8:30-Grandparents Day& 3:15-4:00 Thursday- 7:30-8:30 & 3:15pm-8:00pm Friday- 7:30 - 10:30 Closed You can shop on-line until Sunday Oct 22nd Come join in on the fun!
over 2 years ago, Dina Vanderwilt
Books are my jam!
Reminder: LBW PTO Family Fun Fest from 4:30pm to 6:30pm at the LBW playground. Inflatables, freezies and door prizes too! See you there!"
over 2 years ago, Dina Vanderwilt
As a friendly reminder, we have LBW School Pictures tomorrow, Friday, Sept 9 in the morning. Please send your child’s picture packet back tomorrow if you are interested in pictures or order online here:
over 2 years ago, Dina Vanderwilt
Save the Date! Family Fun Fest is next week!
over 2 years ago, Dina Vanderwilt
Family Fun Fest Flyer
L.B. Williams September Newsletter
over 2 years ago, Dina Vanderwilt
L.B. Williams Newsletter Screenshot
Congratulations! Good Luck!
over 2 years ago, Dina Vanderwilt
Student Council Candidates
Congratulations to Mrs. Bruguier, Mrs. Brenden, Ms. Metzger, Mrs. Hansen/Mrs. Ripp and Mrs. Osterloo/Mrs. Biggerstaff on being awarded a KIDS Grant for this school year! Way to go LBW!
over 2 years ago, Dina Vanderwilt
Kids Grant Winners
First day of school is Wednesday, August 17th at 8:15-3:15. See you then!
over 2 years ago, Dina Vanderwilt
We are having our Open House Wednesday, August 10th 5-6pm.
over 2 years ago, Cornelius
Stay tuned for frequent updates throughout the summer here in the Live Feed! Don't forget to download our brand new app as well!
over 2 years ago, Mitchell School District 17-2
We are excited to launch our new website and app soon!
over 2 years ago, Mitchell School District 17-2