Awards & Events
Students from Second Chance Interact Rotary Club Deliver Goodie Trays to Area First Responders and Non Profit Organizations
December 16, Students assembled goodie trays for local organizations and public service groups in the Mitchell Area.

Six Families receive a Turkey Dinner thanks to the Mitchell Rotary and Second Chance Rotary Interact Club.
Students from the Second Chance Rotary Interact Club delivered boxes of food to six families in the Mitchell community. These boxes were filled with all the fixins of a traditional Thanks-Giving meal.

Second Chance Interact Rotary Club Students decorate Mitchell's Main Street Light Poles

On November 18, students from the Second Chance Interact Rotary Club helped decorate downtown light poles with festive planter arrangements.
Rotary Interact Students hand out candy at Trunk or Treat
Second Chance rotary Interact Club members handed out over 1,000 pieces of candy at the Mitchell Middle School's annual Trunk or Treat.
Pheasants Forever 2024
On Thursday, October 19, The Rotary Interact Second Chance High students assisted with the setup of the Pheasant Forever Banquet. This group assembled and decorated the complete stage area, dining tables, and banquet decor at an extraordinary level. The Pheasant Forever Banquet is an annual banquet that kicks off the pheasant hunting season in South Dakota and is one of Mitchell's greatest economic draws. Pheasants Forever's is an organization whose mission is to conserve pheasants, quail, and other wildlife through habitat improvements, public access, education, and conservation advocacy. Below are some pictures from the event.

Shane Thill is the 2024 Carl Sprunger Educator of the Year
Mitchell's Second Chance Director Shane Thill the the Carl Sprunger Educator of the Year. The award is sponsored by the Mitchell Rotary Club.

Izabella Shattuck is the 2024 A.C.E. Award Winner

Izabella Shattuck is the 2024 Mitchell Exchange Club A.C.E award winner.
The A.C.E (Accepting the Challenge of Excellence) award is awarded to and honors students who have overcome adversity to graduate high school and move their lives in positive directions. Along with Izzabella are Lisa Nuegebauer, Second Chance High English Instructor and Shane Thill, Mitchell High School Vice Principal and Director of Second Chance High.