Many members of the Mitchell FFA shined at the State Convention. Below are honors received by our students -
Recognized on stage:
Equine Science Placement Proficiency Award Winner- Delaney Zoss
Veterinary Science CDE Team- 2nd place, Individual placings- 3rd: Hope Baysinger, 9th: Ashlyn Roudabush, 16th: Delaney Zoss, 27th: Emree Fergen
State FFA Degree Recipients- Ally Henkel, Marlena Retzlaff, Kallie Volk
Honorary State FFA Degree Recipient- Karen Roudabush
Other participants:
Ag Mechanics- 98th place individual- Jordan Herrlein
Milk Quality and Products- 20th place team, individual placings- 35th- Shae Hohn, 69th- Rylee Jennings, 102- Cannon Zoss, 113- Harbor Blindauer
Horse Evaluation- 13th place team, individual placings- 26- Meagan Hagerty, 37- Ally Henkel, 72- Kallie Volk, 136- Bailey Henkel
Nursery Landscape- 39th place individual- Cailee Kirkpatrick