Miss Metzger's 5th graders working on math skills with DWU future teacher
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Miss Lynn was chosen as being the bean by the students. She is caring and thinks of others. Her positivity is an everyday thing.
Be The Bean
Mrs. Koons Class
Kids Heart Challenge. Students created a medical scene during free play.
LBW Book Fair
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Today's be the bean leaders!
Mrs. Schroeder's Class
Measurement Activity
LBW Book Fair
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Parents or other family members, while you are at the Book Fair check out the teacher wish lists. Each teacher and their students have selected a few books that they would like in their classroom. This would be a great gift to add a little sunshine in their room. See ya at the Book Fair!
Be the bean just like these LBW leaders!
Mrs VanderWilt's Class
We had studied the author Jan Brett. One of her favorite animals is a hedge hog. In many of her books, you can find a hedgehog in her illustrations and she also wrote a book about a hedgehog called Hedgie. Miss Shelbee's mom has a hedgehog named Murphy and she brought it to school for us to see.
The robotics club used Dash robots to compete in winter Olympic sports like downhill skiing, figure skating, freestyle skiing, and curling. We had to use a program named Blockly to program our robots to complete the activity. Lots of fun!!
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Our Heart Hero team leader, Buster, loves to cheer on and celebrate others. In fact, Buster is throwing a fantastic KHC PARTY to celebrate all our heart hero kids, characters and everyone who’s pitching in to raise funds to help kids with special hearts. YOU’RE INVITED!
Mrs. Hansen's Class
Groundhog Day Activity
Science, technology, engineering and math are all things Spark loves to learn about. Spark dreams of using this knowledge to do great things someday, like discovering a new planet or even curing heart disease! http://www2.heart.org/goto/LBWElementarySchoolMitchellSD