Friendly Reminder: We will not have school March 13th - March 14th for Spring Break. There will also not be school on March 17th for Teacher In-Service. Enjoy your long weekend!
about 6 hours ago, Allison Pierson
School Presentation Sparks Enthusiasm for Electricity The room buzzed with excitement as Gertie Belle Rogers fourth graders learned the fundamentals of electricity and electrical safety on March 12. Co-ops in the Classroom is an interactive program offered to area schools by Central Electric Cooperative and its wholesale power provider, East River Electric Power Cooperative. Protons, neutrons and electrons were a major topic of discussion as students took an educational journey into the exciting world of electricity. Tara Miller of Central Electric taught the kids about the history of electricity and electric cooperatives. Jennifer Gross of East River Electric engaged students in hands-on demonstrations. Children learned about electrical safety, generation, conservation and economics. A Van de Graaff generator demonstrated the movement of electrons with some hair-raising results. "Playing with static electricity can be fun and educational," Gross said. "The Van de Graaff generator shows how electricity travels. Students get a kick out of seeing their hair stand up and shocking their friends." Another device that invokes a lot of excitement is the pedal-power bicycle generator. Students become power plants as they provided energy for lights and small household devices. "The pedal power turns the concept of electricity from something abstract into something tangible," Gross said. "By providing the energy needed to turn on a light bulb, the students are able to quantify how much more energy an incandescent light bulb requires compared to an LED." Kids also learned about electrical safety in town and on the farm. By the end of the presentation, students developed a new understanding and appreciation for electricity.
about 7 hours ago, Allison Pierson
Students demonstrated how electricity is made with a pedal bike generator that powers light bulbs.
A Van de Graaff generator demonstrated the movement of electrons with some hair-raising results.
Do you have a 5th grade student in school band? If so, be sure to check out the information below on All City Band!
about 10 hours ago, Rebecca Genzlinger
Join us for an electrifying evening of music that will have you on your feet, featuring the epic sounds of superheroes and villains! Our talented 5th graders have been working hard to bring you this exciting concert, and they can't wait for you to enjoy the show! When? Tuesday, March 18, 2025 @ 6:30 PM Where? Mitchell High School Performing Arts Center
about 11 hours ago, Allison Pierson
The March GBR Newsletter can be read here: Happy reading! We hope you enjoy learning about all the great things at GBR!
8 days ago, Allison Pierson
Join the MHS Student Council this weekend at the A Knight for a Princess Dance! Doors open at 6:45 PM.
13 days ago, Allison Pierson
a knight for a princess
Our magnificent music teacher, Miss Wehlander, is taking auditions for Elementary Honors Choir! Auditions are due April 2, 2025. Follow the link for more information on this event!
15 days ago, Rebecca Genzlinger
Next week is Read Across America Week, oh what a treat! At GBR, we’ll dress up from our heads to our feet! With Dr. Seuss themes, we’ll have fun each day, So join in the fun—hip, hip, hooray!
16 days ago, Allison Pierson
read across america
Due to a swim competition, the Mitchell Rec Center will be closed on Friday-Sunday.
20 days ago, Mitchell School District 17-2
Parents, by encouraging regular reading at home and modeling fluent reading, you can significantly support your child's literacy development! Thanks for all you do to encourage and support reading at home!
21 days ago, Allison Pierson
On Monday, Feb. 17, it is National Random Acts of Kindness Day. Since we don't have school on the 17th, we want to celebrate all week long! Please join us in dressing up from Feb. 18 - 21 to celebrate kindness!
26 days ago, Allison Pierson
kindness week
Get your roses while they last!
29 days ago, Allison Pierson
Today is Safer Internet Day! The South Dakota ICAC Task Force is committed to ensuring a better Internet for all. Their goal is to inspire frequent and open conversations between parents and children regarding Internet safety. Find great resources at: and
29 days ago, Allison Pierson
safer internet day
All week long, we have been celebrating our AMAZING school counselor, Mrs. Kapfer! Happy National School Counseling Week!
about 1 month ago, Allison Pierson
It's the time of year to start thinking about prospective kindergarteners! If you have a child who will turn age 5 on or before September 1, 2025, please review the posted information on Kindergarten Jumpstart!
about 1 month ago, Rebecca Genzlinger
KGJS Spanish
Stay in the know! GBR's February Newsletter is out now. 📰 Read it here:
about 1 month ago, Allison Pierson
The Student Council will be selling foil-wrapped chocolate roses for $3.00 a piece in preparation for Valentine's Day. You can choose from 1 of 3 notes to go with your rose: I'm Grateful for You!, I Appreciate You!, or You're the Best! Student Council members will be taking orders starting Monday, February 3, 2025. They will be on the stage in the commons each morning that week before school until they run out of roses. The roses will be delivered on Thursday, February 13, 2025 by the end of the day (as we do NOT have school on Valentine's Day).
about 1 month ago, Allison Pierson
The Dental Bus will be available for students on February 10th and 11th at Longfellow Elementary! If you'd like to register your student(s), paperwork will be provided during GBR conferences this Thursday, January 30. Please reach out to our school nurse, Mrs. Snoozy, with questions. Her email is:
about 1 month ago, Allison Pierson
Join us in congratulating our GBR Teacher of the Year, Mrs. Way, and our GBR Classified Staff of the Year, Mrs. Kate! These incredible individuals go above and beyond for our students every day, embodying inclusivity, kindness, and warmth in every interaction. They truly make our school an exceptional place to be. We are so proud to call you both GBR Golden Arrows! Congratulations!
about 2 months ago, Allison Pierson
toy csoy
Hey, Golden Arrows! A group at Longfellow is organizing this, but it's for our district Weekend Snack Pack program so we all benefit! Please note that each grade level is asked to bring something different. There will be a large bin out by the brick planter in our commons for drop-off. Thanks for your donations!
about 2 months ago, Allison Pierson
den b